The StartHope@Home - Creating New Perspectives programme prepares returnees for their professional reintegration in their country of origin.
With the StartHope@Home - Creating New Perspectives programme, Social Impact gGmbH supports refugees and migrants in developing career prospects for a new start in their country of origin. Since October 2020, the offer has been a central component of the newly created return preparation measures (RkVM) of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
StartHope@Home - Creating New Perspectives Since January 2018, the Social Impact gGmbH has been running the reintegration programme StartHope@Home - Creating new perspectives.
Content of the programme StartHope@Home - Creating New Perspectives offers specialised (online) coaching and workshops in various languages, both individually and in groups. The counselling strengthens the participants' entrepreneurial skills in order to better prepare them for setting up a business after returning to their country of origin. However, other individual concerns relating to their professional reintegration can also be addressed. The participants are coached by multilingual trainers and receive socio-educational support.
Profiling phase - Individual assessment - Outlook interview - Qualification planning
Qualification phase - Training modules - Individual coaching - Online coaching - Final presentation
Reintegration phase - On-site verification of general conditions - Contact with local partner organizations (e.g. reintegration partners and GIZ advisory offices)
The participants are coached by multilingual trainers and supported by social pedagogues.
Who can take part? Participation is aimed at refugees and migrants who are interested in returning to their country of origin. This includes the following countries of origin: Afghanistan, Egypt, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Dem. Rep. Congo (Kinshasa), The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Iraq, Jordan, Cameroon, Kasachstan, Kenia, Kirgisistan, Colombia, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Republic of Moldova , Mongolia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria*, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia (incl. Somaliland), Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunesia, Republic of Türkiye, Ukraine and Viet Nam.
(* For returnees to Nigeria, the reintegration program ARRIVES offers further support based on the StartHope@Home program).
How to join the programme? A return counselling centre can help registering for the programme. Participation in the programme is free of charge and no prior knowledge is required.
Important note: The qualification is possible in presence at the locations of Social Impact. Alternatively, participation can also take place virtually in the form of online coaching or by telephone.
The programme takes place at locations throughout Germany: Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart, Munich and Leipzig.
Hamburg region Social Impact Lab Hamburg Pastorenstraße 16-18 20459 Hamburg Ms. Monika Wiedemann T.: +49 176 1111 6193 E-Mail:
Cologne region STARTPLATZ Im Mediapark 5 50670 Köln Ms. Karen Peprah-Gyamfi T.: +49 176 1611 3554 E-Mail:
Stuttgart region Social Impact Lab Stuttgart c/o Impact Hub Stuttgart Quellenstraße 7a 70376 Stuttgart Mr. Tarek Bischay T.: +49 176 1611 3545 E-Mail:
Munich region Social Impact Lab München Lindwurmstraße 45 80337 München Mr. David Wittekindt T.: +49 176 1611 3617 E-Mail:
Leipzig region Social Impact Lab Gottschedstraße 44 04109 Leipzig Ms. Eva Stockbauer-Muhr T.: +49 176 1611 3506 E-Mail:
Participation is also possible in other regions. Please contact us for this:
Mr. Hadi Alkhouri T. +49 176 1611 3509 Email:
The registration form and further information on the StartHope@Home program can be found at
The project is funded by the European Union's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and co-financed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.