European Reintegration Programme (EURP)

The EURP (formerly "Joint Reintegration Services") offers individual reintegration assistance for returnees in their countries of origin.

EURP assistance is available in the following origin countries:

Egypt, Ethiopia, Albania*, Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, Gambia, Georgia*, Ghana, Guinea, India, Iraq, Jordan, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Dem. Rep. Congo (Kinshasa), Morocco, Moldova*, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, North Macedonia*, Pakistan, Serbia*, Somalia (without Somaliland), Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tunesia, Turkey** und Vietnam.

*Special provisions apply for these countries. See under 3.
**Turkish nationals staying in Germany for up to six months are exempt from this.

1. Persons eligible for support

The following persons are eligible for EURP assistance:

a) Third-country nationals who have not yet received a final negative decision on their asylum application/procedure or application for another form of protection

b) Third-country nationals who do not (or no longer) meet the requirements for legal entry or legal residence in Germany and/or in another Member State (e.g. people who are obliged to leave the country, such as people with a rejected asylum decision or tolerated persons).

Support is possible for both voluntary returnees and repatriated persons. Adult children must submit a separate application.

2. Scope and amount of EURP assistance

The EURP distinguishes between short-term and long-term support (Post Arrival Package/Post Return Package):

(a) Short-term assistance ("Post Arrival Package" - up to fourteen (14) working days after arrival):

  • Airport pick-up
  • Onward transportation to the destination
  • Necessary overnight stays before reaching the destination
  • Additional medical needs
  • Family reunification for unaccompanied minors

Short-term support can be paid out in kind and/or in cash.

The amount of the benefits is based on the following amounts:

  • Voluntary return: EUR 615 per person
  • Repatriated persons: EUR 205

b) Long-term support ("Post Return Package" - up to 12 months after departure):

  • Housing support
  • Medical needs in case of serious illness
  • Educational and vocational training measures
  • Advice on job opportunities and assistance in finding a job
  • Support with setting up (your own) business
  • Family reunification
  • Legal advice and administrative support
  • Psychosocial support.

Long-term support is generally only granted as a benefit in kind.

The amount of support is based on the following amounts:

  • Voluntary return (main applicant): EUR 2,000
  • each additional family member: EUR 1,000
  • Repatriated persons: EUR 1,000

3. Special regulations for the countries of origin Albania, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia and Serbia

The following special regulations (short-term and long-term support) apply to Albania, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia and Serbia:

  • Long-term tolerated persons (persons who have been tolerated in Germany for at least two years) can apply for both short-term and long-term support.

4. Application procedure via RIAT

Applications must be submitted exclusively via the RIAT data management system. All processes are processed there. RIAT is a closed system with access only for authorized persons and meets the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation.

The EURP application should be registered in RIAT at least nineteen (19) calendar days before the actual departure. All information in the application form must be correct and complete and exactly match the information in RIAT to ensure smooth application processing. Both short-term support (PAP) and long-term support (PRP) can be applied for as part of the EURP application. Missing documents (e.g. confirmed departure date) can also be entered in RIAT at a later date. In order to ensure that the short-term support can be used with regard to pick-up from the airport and onward transportation, it is imperative that the exact flight details are sent to the BAMF via RIAT at least five (5) working days before departure.

When submitting an application, the current processing times in the area of ​​return support (REAG/GARP 2.0) should also be taken into account.

For technical reasons, Internet Explorer cannot be used, so an alternative web browser such as Google Chrome must be used.

To use RIAT, participation in a (two-stage) training course is required in advance, during which the registration and authentication procedure is completed. All information on the RIAT training courses offered can be found in the login area on Please register first in the login area.

If you have any questions about RIAT, please contact:

5. Subsequent application

Returned/repatriated persons may still be able to receive support after their arrival in their country of origin. For this purpose, contact must be made with the relevant reintegration partner (see flyer for contact details) and proof of identity must be submitted promptly (within 5 months at the latest) after arrival.

6. Contacting the reintegration partner before departure

All reintegration partners are available for contact prior to return. This supplementary offer (in the local language) is particularly useful for returnees to prepare for their return and to clarify other questions about the EURP program. The focus of this conversation should be on the organizational process after arrival, realistic reintegration prospects and other personal needs. The actual reintegration plan - often already discussed in the EURP application - is determined individually between the reintegration partner and the returnee after arrival.

We ask the return counseling centers to point out the offer of early contact. The contact details of all reintegration partners can be found in the information sheets (download, right-hand side).

The reintegration partners of the EURP program are: Caritas International Belgium, European Technology and Training Center (ETTC), IRARA, Life Makers Foundation and WELDO.

The BAMF is happy to provide further information on EURP assistance at

The Frontex-funded EURP (formerly "Joint Reintegration Services") was launched on April 1, 2022 and offers individual reintegration assistance for returnees in their countries of origin. The BAMF is responsible for coordinating this assistance at national level.