The BAMF informs: Adjustment of the funding criteria for Turkish nationals from 01.07.2024

28 June 2024

The federal and state governments have jointly decided to temporarily adjust and implement the funding criteria and amounts for departures for Turkish nationals. This measure is initially limited to the period from 01.07. until 31.12.2024, with the option of extension. It affects applications received from 01.07.2024.

Adjustment of the eligibility criteria for Turkish nationals from 01.07.2024

From 01.07.2024, persons with Turkish citizenship who have stayed in Germany for up to six months can only be granted travel expenses and financial support for the trip in the event of a voluntary return. The date of application is decisive for proof of the length of stay.

To determine the length of stay, the entry stamp on the visa (if applicable) and, in the case of rejected asylum seekers, the apprehension report, the date of issue of the proof of arrival or the initial registration in the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR) are used to determine the start of the calculation period. The date of application is used to determine the end of the calculation period.

Persons with Turkish nationality who have been staying in Germany for more than six months:

For people who have stayed for more than six months, the regular REAG/GARP 2.0 funding including GARP assistance (1st start-up assistance) can still be granted. These people can also continue to apply for StarthilfePlus funding (2nd start-up assistance) and EURP benefits.

Persons with Turkish nationality who have been staying in Germany for less than six months:

From 01.07.2024, only travel expenses and a travel allowance of EUR 200.00 per person (EUR 100.00 per person under 18 years of age) can be granted for persons staying for less than six months. StarthilfePlus funding (2nd start-up aid) and/or EURP benefits are no longer available.

Persons with Turkish nationality who have been residing in Germany for less than six months and who have reasonable grounds to suspect that they are making improper use of benefits:

For applications where the duration of stay is less than six months and there are indications of improper use of return assistance, only travel costs and a reduced travel allowance (according to point 2.4.3 in conjunction with point 4.2.2 of the REAG/GARP 2.0 funding programme) of EUR 50.00 per person (EUR 25.00 per person under 18 years of age) can be granted. StarthilfePlus funding (2nd start-up aid) and/or EURP benefits are not available.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us via the functional mailbox