Unaccompanied minor children

In implementing the voluntary return of unaccompanied minors (UMC), IOM works closely with the responsible youth welfare offices and guardians. The binding standards of German legislation and international law, especially the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, must be observed. The overriding principle is the protection of children's rights and the guarantee of the child's well-being. Before the operational implementation of the voluntary return of a UMC, the following requirements must therefore be met:

Taking into account the family situation in the destination country and the best interests of the child
Before the application is submitted, background information about the child and the family situation in the target country must be obtained from the application submitting entity.

Identification of the legal representative in Germany
If there is guardianship, a copy of the certificate of appointment, (service) ID card and personal data (name, address, telephone number, email address if applicable) must be submitted to the legal representative in Germany.

Identification of persons in charge of parental care in the destination country
A copy of the identity documents and your personal data (address, telephone numbers and, if applicable, e-mail address) are required from the legal representative in the destination country. If possible, a copy of the birth certificate to confirm the family relationship or a copy of an equivalent to the German "Bestallungsurkunde" is also to be provided.

The body/legal representative in Germany submitting the application must contact the legal representative in the destination country and obtain written confirmation that the unaccompanied minor will be admitted and that they will be cared for until they come of age. In addition, written confirmation must be obtained that personal collection from the airport will take place upon arrival in the destination country.

Voluntary decision to return and confirmation of orientation to the best interests of the child
By signing the Voluntary Return Declaration Form, the legal representative confirms that the decision to return was made voluntarily by the unaccompanied minor and is in the best interests of the child.

Consideration of health aspects
Health needs must be stated when submitting the application.

Payout of financial support
Payments are generally made to the legal representation in Germany or in the destination country. Travel assistance is paid to the legal representation in Germany prior to departure by official payment. GARP funding can also be paid out by official payment, at the airport or - if reintegration support is also provided in the destination country - to the legal representation after arrival in the destination country.


Programme Documents